We accept all major credit cards and paypal.
Please order by phone:  
Kunic Family
(805) 467-3510 ~ (805) 975-5736
Shipped Flat Rate, includes $50 insurance. 

Jingle Bells

A delightful small bell cast of solid brass, it features a very unique shape and an enclosed ringer which is impossible for a goat, or even a large hookbill or parrot to take out.  Acorns represent longevity; for from a little acorn a mighty oak grows.  It has a delicate ring sound and measures about 1" x 1 1/2".  A good choice for small animals, and a rather quiet bell.  
One size only.
$5.75 each.

Arctic Bell

My favorite sounding bell, this bell also features a totally enclosed ringer, impossible for animals to remove.  The small measures 2" across, and due to it's more closed design has a mellow chiming sound   which immediately brings to mind reindeer in the arctic moonlight (no kidding!)  The large is about 3" in diameter. Smooth and shiny surface all over, a very classic bell with a wonderful melodious sound like no other.  Solid brass.DefinItely not your average feed store bell!
Small $15.00 each.
Medium $21.00 each
Large $24.00 each
Extra Large $29.00 each. 

Our customers have found many additional uses for our bells through the years, such as:

 1. For dogs and cats, to keep track of them.

2. Parrot owners, and those with large hookbills find that their birds are unable to break these bells, can't dent them, and cannot remove the ringers from the sleigh bells; and that the birds love to play with them, by the hour, enjoying the sound which owners find melodious and non-annoying.

3. Small bells to hang on the cinch ring of your saddle, under the belly, for those who pack in the mountains, as a deterrent to bears, giving them ample warning and time to vacate the premises. 

4. Adding a series of sleigh bells, increasing in size, to a collar to create a melodious jingle-bell, sleigh-bell sound appropriate for any time of year.

5. To hang on a shop door, a pleasant way to be advised that you have a customer. 

6. Attach to llamas when packing, again, a predator deterrent.

7. Attach to backpacks in the high country for hikers, again a most pleasant safety measure.

8.  Motorcyclists have used our bells on their front axles to warn wildlife of their approach.  

9.  Our bells have been used in weddings, when nothing else would do.

10. To keep track of livestock.

11. To create a noise deterrent to predators.

And many other uses...

And the best thing...these bells don't EVER rust.  All cast of solid brass to give beauty and lovely sound for a lifetime. 


We are Temporarily suspending BELL sales until Fall/Winter 2019.